We are more than just a ministry, but a worldwide, ark-building mission preparing wise and faithful servants of God who have been put in charge of His great-tribulation servants, to give them their food at the proper time- Mt. 24:45-47

Equipping Believers to Navigate God's End Time, Ark-Building Assignment Through Divine Guidance

Enlightening Christian Ministry

Welcome to End Time Planning (ETP), the groundbreaking, worldwide ministry under the leadership of End Time Advisor and author of the profound, prophetic, ...

Feeding End Time Servants

Our Founder, Dr. Lawrence, delved into the depths of the Olivet discourse (Mt. 24, Mk. 13, and Lk. 21), exploring the prophetic passages about the ...

End Time, Ark-Building Assignments Unveiled

Just like God gave Noah an assignment with specific instructions for building the Ark, as in the days of Noah, He has a top-secret, ark-building ...

Ark-Building Steps

Watch Steal Away On Youtube

Steal Away, by Legacy Showcases, lays the foundation for the books Top Secret and Watch Out And Be Ready by Dr. Jacqueline Lawrence. Be sure to watch it in its entirety and invite your Christian church and ministry members and loved ones to watch it. 

View the Steal Away Trailer and Movie

Read Top Secret and/or Watch Out And Be Ready and Complete The Workbook, Jesus' Revelation To You

Top Secret

TOP SECRET parabolically introduces God's end time plan of survival for His great tribulation servants. Order your copy now..

Watch Out And Be Ready

Watch Out And Be Ready is an amazing picture book for teens and adults which makes takes the focus off the confusion, difficulty, and doom and gloom of the end times and helps servants of God understand our requirements for enduring them.

Jesus' Revelation To You

JESUS' REVELATION TO YOU opens the spiritual ears of God's wise and faithful servants as He reveals His top secret, ark-building assignment specifically for you through a series of questions derived from the Olivet Discourse (Mt. 24, Mk. 13, Lk. 21) that will guide you into hearing Jesus’ end time revelation specifically to you. Order your copy now.

Complete the "Ears to Hear" Questionnaire

Once you have watched "Steal Away", read the book, TOP SECRET, and completed the workbook, JESUS' REVELATION TO YOU, and have been given ears by God to understand the mission of this ministry and your specific ark-building assignment, we look forward to you joining our network to help us carry out God's worldwide, ark-building mission for His servants to survive the end times. It is our hope that you will not only be ready, but excited to be about our Father's end time business so that His servants will not only be surviving but thriving when Jesus returns. The final step to joining our top-secret network is for you to complete the "Ears to Hear" Questionnaire so that you have heard what the spirit of the Lord has told you about this ministry and your assignment. Once we have determined that you have been given ears to hear, we will be in touch with you to share some additional vital information to guide you to fulfilling your assignment. We hope to network with you soon. Click here to complete the questionnaire.

Become A Member of Our Network

We will be in touch with you once we know you have been given ears to hear this top-secret assignment from God based on your answers in the "Ears To Hear" Questionnaire. You will then have the opportunity to obtain your comprehensive and vital personalized guide for building your Ark according to the top-secret instructions that God reveals to you, as well as network with and receive support from other wise and faithful servants who are also fulfilling their ark-building assignments.

Book a Book-Signing and Speaking Engagement With Dr. Lawrence

If you are a church or ministry leader and have ears to hear this profound, end time message from God, and would like to extend an invitation to Dr. Lawrence to visit your church or Christian event, she is more than willing to fulfill her ark-building assignment. During her speaking engagement, Dr. Lawrence is available to show and discuss the film, "Steal Away", discuss and sign her books, TOP SECRET, WATCH OUT AND BE READY, and JESUS' REVELATION TO YOU, discuss the mission of End Time Planning, and offer advice for your ark-building ministry. To schedule a booking with Dr. Lawrence, click here

"The Lord Said, If as One People Speaking the Same Language They Have Begun to Do This, Then Nothing They Plan to Do Will Be Impossible for Them." (Genesis 11:6).